"The Ongoing Revolution in Software Testing" by Cem Kaner (2004) - разбор общепринятых утверждений о тестировании/тестировщиках
Благодаря давнишнему твиту Alan Page узнал про чудесную статью Cem Kaner , который еще в 2004 году разобрал популярные утверждения (мифы?) про тестирование и роль тестировщиков. Что именно так разбирается: The Role of Testers • The primary reason to test is to find bugs? • The primary reason to test is to prove the program works correctly? • Testers are THE advocates of quality on a project. • Test groups should evolve into quality assurance groups. • The test group should have the power to block release if product quality is too low. • Testers and programmers have conflicting interests. • The test group should work independently of the programmers. • Testers should push their project teams to follow "appropriately professional development models," like the Waterfall, that require people to THINK before they act. • Testers should base test cases on documented characteristics of the program. If the software documentation is inadequate for this, testers should assert a quality